Paisano Baptist Encampment

General Camp
July 23-28, 2023
10 miles west of Alpine, Texas on US 90
For Information
Bryan Ritchie-Superintendent
Child Protection Training Material
Youth Camp Child-Protection-Training.pdf
Youth Camp Child-Protection Training Exam
To have your exam graded and receive a certificate contact the BBBA
Child Protection Training Exam-Record Check
Don't forget your current Criminal History-Sex Offender's Background Checks Be sure and use name and date of birth as it appears on the person's driver's license or ID card.
Each Church is responsible for the obtaining of current Criminal History and Sex Offender Background Checks. Please make yourself an account at this website as it is important for your Church to have a part in this program and update annually for any camp you attend and your church. Here is the website:
Records Texas DPS